About MAE 3.0 License Keys ========================== Thank you for purchasing MAE 3.0! To run MAE, your system administrator needs to obtain and install a FLEXlm floating license key for the number of MAE licenses that you have purchased. The license key is installed on a license server for maximum flexibility in sharing MAE 3.0 floating licenses. (If there is only one MAE license at a site, the license server may be the same workstation where MAE runs.) The license server should be a machine that is reliable and readily available on the network. The system administrator should decide which license server to use before requesting license keys, since the keys are tied to the server and only work with that specific server. For details on choosing a license server, refer to the Macintosh Application Environment Administrator's Manual, located in the /docs subdirectory of the directory where MAE is installed (default /opt/apple), or in the /DOCS top-level directory on your MAE CD-ROM or downloaded software. To obtain and install an MAE 3.0 License Key for Purchased Product ----------------------------------------------- - Complete and send in the MAE 3.0 License Registration (see below) This is in hardcopy form in MAE boxes and at the end of this file (LIC_REG.TXT) in the top level directory of your MAE software. See instructions in the next section, "MAE License Registration Instructions". - Receive and Install the MAE 3.0 License Key You can receive your MAE 3.0 License Key by e-mail or fax (e-mail is recommended). Simply follow the installation instructions that come with the MAE License Key. For a Free Demo License ----------------------- Your friends or associates can obtain free demo licenses for MAE 3.0 by connecting to the MAE web site at www.mae.apple.com. Follow the instructions for a free demo license. To purchase MAE --------------- - Call 1-800-293-6617, ext 1437 (in the U.S.), - Call 1-800-361-6075, ext 287 (in Canada), - Or contact your local Claris software reseller. For additional information about MAE ------------------------------------ Connect to the MAE web site at www.mae.apple.com. For MAE support --------------- Please check the MAE web site at www.mae.apple.com for up-to-date news on MAE support. - Call 1-800-SOS-APPL (in the U.S.) and enter '943' at the prompt, - Call 1-800-263-3394 (in Canada), - Or contact your Claris software reseller. MAE License Registration Instructions ===================================== (DO NOT FAX OR E-MAIL THIS INFORMATION) Step 1: License server's hostid. ------------------------------- To determine the hostid of your license server, enter the output from the appropriate command (for Solaris or HP-UX) below. For Solaris systems, enter the following command: hostid For HP-UX systems, enter the following command. Note that uname is surrounded by back quotes (the Unix command substitution character): echo `uname -i` 16op | dc If you wish to have redundant license servers, you must enter exactly 3 hostids (one for each of the 3 redundant license servers). In addition, your site may use other methods to uniquely identify your system in place of the hostid and uname commands. For information on these additional methods as well as details on redundant servers, please reference the Macintosh Application Environment Administrator's Manual. Step 2. License Authorization code ---------------------------------- - If you purchased a Single User License, use the authorization code printed on the hardcopy MAE 3.0 License Registration and on the CD sleeve. NOTE: MAE 3.0 Single User Licenses authorization codes have 11 characters. Do not use MAE 2.0 license binder keys or the part number 449001U on the back of MAE 3.0 demo CDs. - If you purchased a Volume License or Maintenance Agreement, your code is your contract number which is on the License Certificate or contract. You must supply this number, rather than the Single User License code, to obtain a License Key for multiple copies of MAE. (Your package includes a Single User License code if you received a software package with your Volume License.) - If you purchased a Volume License or Maintenance Agreement but do not have the contract number, contact mae_vol_license@claris.com. For all other volume license questions, contact vol_license@claris.com, or your authorized Claris reseller. - If you purchased a Volume License or Maintenance Agreement, also indicate the number of licenses you need (up to a maximum of the total number purchased). You may have separate license key requests if you wish to split the total number of licenses among different license servers. You should receive your license key within 1 business day, (Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm Pacific Time). If you do not receive your license key within this time, you may call 1-800-582-0515 (from the U.S. and Canada) or 1-408-370-5330. MAE 3.0 License Registration ============================ To request an MAE 3.0 License Key, please complete and send in this registration by e-mail or fax. E-mail is strongly recommended as it is more convenient and less error-prone. - E-mail to: mae-key@globes.com, and include your return e-mail address OR - Fax to Claris Corporation, MAE License Registration, 1-408-378-9012, and include your fax number. ----------------------------- cut here -------------------------------- Step 1. License server's hostid: _____________________________ Optional: If you wish to set up redundant license servers, you must specify exactly 3 hostids (one for each of the 3 redundant license servers). redundant hostid #2: _____________________________ redundant hostid #3: _____________________________ Step 2. License Authorization code: Volume License Contract number _____________________________ Number of licenses requested _____________________________ OR Single User License Authorization: _____________________________ (from CD sleeve or hardcopy form - has 11 characters) Step 3. Your contact information. E-mail address: _____________________________ If you want your key to be e-mailed (recommended), enter your return e-mail address. Your fax number:_____________________________ If want your key to be faxed back, enter your fax number. Step 4. Customer information (please print). Your name: _____________________________ Company: _____________________________ Address: _____________________________ City: ______________ State/Province: _____ ZIP/Postal Code: _______ Country: ______________ Phone: _____________________________ Where will you use this software? (place an X next to all that apply) __ K-12 __ Higher Education __ Small Business (1-99 employees) __ Large Business (> 99 employees) Which UNIX environment(s) do you currently run? (place an X next to all that apply) __ Solaris SPARC 2.3 __ Solaris SPARC 2.4 __ Solaris SPARC 2.5 __ Solaris x86 __ SunOS __ HP-UX 9.0.x __ HP-UX 10.x __ AIX __ IRIX __ Linux __ Other (please specify) ______________ How many UNIX workstations do you have at your site? ___________ Which Claris applications do you currently use at your site? (place an X next to all that apply) __ ClarisWorks __ FileMaker Pro __ ClarisImpact __ ClarisDraw __ MacWrite Pro __ Claris Organizer __ Claris Emailer __ Claris Home Page __ Other (please specify) ___________________________